Concerning the European prescription (EC No. 1907/2006) for registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals “REACH” and in order to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy and
actionsim we ask to consider the following items:
In terms of the REACH prescription MONTAN Gesellschaft VOSS mbH is downstream user. We supply rolled steel finished products which possibly are prefabricated in our split plants depending on the
We do not have to effect an additional registration.
Please refer hereto to the “REACH guideline for the steel industry”, published by the Steel Trade Association “Stahl im Stahl Zentrum” with its relative actual version.
We therefore ask to not send any individual questionnaires or information of your own individual use previously.
We assume that by EUROFER all applications within the scope of delivery are considered.
Please refer hereto to pdf-file and our information letter concerning REACH.